Imagine a place where dust, stones and some species that have thorns instead
of leaves or little hairs that are capable to develop allergic reactions or
others with grey branches, hot sun, vermin animals, predators came from the
land. Some of the best fruits grown in Brazil: Tomatoes, mangos, grapes. Some
vegetation help many kinds of illnesses: Juazeiro (Ziziphus juazeiro), Mandacarú
(Cereus jamacaru), Umbuzeiro (Spondias tuberosa). Lots of animals with rare
beauty: Asa Branca (Columba picazuro), Sagüi (Callithix jacchus). These
are some of the backwoods mistery.
Biosertanidades (Biodiversities from backwoods) is a short study about backwoods’ flora and fauna. The focus of this study is based on critics about Brazilian public scenery that don’t care about the natural patrimony, to IBAMA (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais e Renováveis) that is late with the researches and statistics about the future of fauna and flora.
Cabra da Peste Drugstore is a communicational campaign that
talks about the richness of plants and medicinal herbs that could be found
in the backwoods.
The Sertão Midiático bring together some scenes
that are shown by midia (Tv, radio etc) about drought and The Fascinating
Backwoods shows some changing situations and rare beautiful views
that came with the first sight of rain and some animals from backwoods habitat.